
  • Zentrum Economic, Business, Management, Accounting Research

    ZEBMAR: Zentrum Economic, Business, Management, Accounting Research is published four times a year (March, June, September and December) by the Zentrum Multi Education. ZEBMAR accepts research results in the fields of Economic, Management, Accounting, and Business. Quality quantitative and qualitative research uses appropriate methods and benefits the development of science and society.

  • Zentrum Law, Political, Social, International Relations Research

    ZELAPOSIRR: Zentrum Law, Political, Social, International Relations Research is an open access peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of Law, Election and Political Parties, Democracy and Local Politics, Decentralization Autonomy, Bureaucracy, Policy Studies, Digital Government, Village Government, State and Business Relation, Sociopreneur, international relation and many more. This journal is published twice a year by Zentrum Multi Education.

  • Jurnal Zentrum Mengabdi

    Jurnal Zentrum Mengabdi adalah jurnal pengabdian pada masyarakat yang diterbitkan oleh Zentrum Multi Education. Jurnal Zentrum Mengabdi terbit secara berkala yaitu 2 kali setahun (Mei dan November).

    Ruang kajian Jurnal Zentrum Mengabdi adalah pada bidang: 1. Pembangunan manusia dan daya saing bangsa; 2. Pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis sumber daya lokal; 3. Pengelolaan wilayah pedesaan dan pesisir berkearifan lokal; 4. Pengembangan Ekonomi, Kewirausahaan, Koperasi, Industri Kreatif, dan UMKM; 5. Pengembangan teknologi berwawasan lingkungan; 6. Kesehatan, gizi, penyakit tropis, dan obat-obatan herbal, Seni, sastra, dan budaya, serta integrasi nasional dan harmoni sosial; 7. Inovasi teknologi dalam bisnis; 8. Pengembangan bisnis konvensional dan bisnis syariah; 9. Analisis kebencanaan dari sudut pandang ekonomi, bisnis konvensional dan syariah, akuntansi, manajemen, dan sosial humaniora. 

  • Zentrum Medical Health Research

    ZEHAT: Zentrum Medical Health Research aims to publish innovative scientific content as research papers, case reports, review articles, short communications, commentaries to name a few. The journal deals with all branches of Biology and Medicine including Anatomy, Biochemistry, Anesthesia, Cancer research, Dentistry, Internal Medicine, Physiology, Pathology, Community Medicine, Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, General Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Radiology, Dermatology and Venereal diseases, Pulmonary Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Cardiology, Diabetes, Neurology, Endocrinology, Nephrology and Medical education. The journal also accepts articles from Medical Education, Pharmacy, and Nursing and from the thrust areas such as Free radical biology, Medical Genetics, Biotechnology and Medical Statistics.

    The journal adheres to stringent review process and manuscripts must get the approval of at least two independent reviewers followed by the editor to be considered for the publication.