Analisis Akuntansi Untuk Transaksi Mata Uang Asing Pada PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk


  • Annisa Ulfa Indriani Universitas Mataram Author
  • Zihaddiah Fitri Azzahra Universitas Mataram Author
  • Baiq Sindi Winarti Universitas Mataram Author
  • Cahyani Risty Utami Universitas Mataram Author



Italic Foreign Exchange Transactions, PSAK 221, Exchange Rate Differences, Exchange Rate Risk Management


This study analyzes the application of accounting for foreign currency transactions at PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The objectives of the study are to analyze the application of accounting standards related to foreign currency transactions, identify the impact of exchange rate fluctuations, and evaluate exchange rate risk management methods. The study uses a qualitative descriptive method with secondary data collected through document analysis. The results of the study indicate that PT Indofood applies PSAK No. 221 in recording foreign currency transactions, uses Rupiah as the functional currency, and records exchange rate differences separately from operating profit and loss. The company manages exchange rate risk through currency hedging, payment negotiations in Rupiah, and product price adjustments. The implementation of this strategy allows PT Indofood to maintain financial stability amidst fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.


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How to Cite

Ulfa Indriani, A., Azzahra, Z. F. ., Winarti, B. S. ., & Utami, C. R. . (2024). Analisis Akuntansi Untuk Transaksi Mata Uang Asing Pada PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. Zentrum Economic, Business, Management, Accounting Research, 2(3), 83-88.