Evaluation of the Result of Cemil Cemilin’s Business Development as a Sales Practice for Students of the Accounting Study Program, Bumigora University


  • Shifa Intan Lestari Universitas Bumigora Author
  • Helmi Fitriyani Universitas Bumigora Author
  • Herliza Apriliani Universitas Bumigora Author
  • Karina Rizkia Putri Universitas Bumigora Author




Evaluation of business development, Marketing aspects, Technical aspects, Financial Aspects


The Business Activities carried out by Cemil Cemilin aim to increase Revenue and to fulfill entrepreneurial duties as a requirement of UAS by conducting various business analyses and business feasibility studies so that Cemil Cemilin is able to sell 20 products a day. The problem faced is the production location and the use of cooking utensils that are still simple to carry out the production process so that the products produced are limited, besides that the lack of promotion carried out also causes sales to make little profit. Solutions that can be done through. This evaluation is to facilitate businesses with adequate equipment and sophisticated technology so that the products produced are maximized and then selected. The location is wide enough so that the production process does not find obstacles and the improvement of the marketing team in marketing its products to consumers so that the profits obtained are greater.  This method was tested by the cemilin team for a week. This business activity includes the purchase of raw materials, product manufacturing and promotion through online media such as IG, WA, and Facebook based on social media. With the implementation of the business development evaluation, we hope that students can use and apply this method so that the income generated will increase. By holding this business activity, it also received a fairly positive assessment from teachers and the community because they felt helped by the existence of business activities so that the needs of the community could be met.


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How to Cite

Lestari , S. I. ., Fitriyani, H. ., Apriliani, H. ., & Putri, K. R. . (2024). Evaluation of the Result of Cemil Cemilin’s Business Development as a Sales Practice for Students of the Accounting Study Program, Bumigora University. Zentrum Economic, Business, Management, Accounting Research, 2(2), 50-58. https://doi.org/10.69657/2rd8tf35